Club News & Highlights
October 2022
The Club held two very successful open shows at the Lydeny venue, results of which are all on the Shows page; following the first show there were three Special Award Classes which were judged by Pauline Luxmoore-Ball - 10 entries but 2 absent the results are as follows:
Junior D/B 1st Green's Yansukhim's Candy Floss
Post Graduate D/B 1st Cowley's Hariri Ebn Mahsati von Haussman (imp Chil); 2nd Hughes Gezancol Fallen From Grace; 3rd Fisher's Shimalma Campari Goes to Ifmaraf; Res Medley's Altside She's Hot
Open 1st James Sitana Aag Toofan; 2nd Syrdarya Darjeeling Chai of Simkhan; 3rd Newton's Shimalma Mignight Liaison
We thank all of those who supported the classes and helped Pauline go forward with her judging experience.
September 2022
HM The Queen Elizabeth II - RIP
May 2022
The Championship Show was held on 30th May and was enjoyed by everyone, the tombola made a colourful and lovely display by the main table. All results and photos can be seen from our Shows page. Some of the day's judging was delayed slighly by a later start from the main Bath show but this did not affect the overall timings for our own show.
April 22
Members attended th Club's AGM and approved the financial accounts for the past year. The Club was delighted to have made such a well earned success financially from a Covid ravaged year. Minor changes were made to the Club's constitution to bring it more in line with present day requirements, and the quorum of 15 was dropped to 12 in number. All Officers and Committee remain as before.
December 21
Second edition of Affi Online is launched, 206 pages of pure afghan joy - full of interesting articles, details of all the Club's shows during the year with photographs, 40 colour adverts.
November 21
The Club held a very successful Breed Seminar on 28th at Lydney where the main speaker was Mike Lancashire (Drishaun) who gave a very detailed talk on the Breed Standard with many questions thrown in from the audience. The talk was recorded and will feature in the Club magazine. Folllowing this there was a Hands-On Mentoring session where four groups had the opportunity of going over 5 dogs and discussing the merits and demerits with their allocated Mentor, this part of the day was very well received. After lunch there were candidates for the Breed Exam and our panel of five passed the following:
Elaine Bogart
Tina Cullen
Lorna Dunstan
Annette Latham-Jackson
Vanessa Williams-Wegmann
Compilation of the awards for paid members of the Club resulted in the following:
- John Conibear Members Dog of the Year - Jeanne Coates Gilari Silken Flame of Bukhara
- Ernie & Jill Dyson award for BOS - Lorna Dunstan/John Waterhouse's Shimalma Disarrono at Tazkindi
- Severndene Trophy for Best Puppy (jointly) - Ian & Mary Fisher's Shimalma Campari Goes to Ifmaraf and Mike & Julie Drage's Shimalma Drambuie
- Shah Walden Salver for Veteran - Dave & Glenda Adams Ch Zandahar Just Tiger Lily
Congratulations to you all.
Shimalma Disaronno at Tazkindi - winner of the Jill & Ernie Dyson Trophy for BOS
Shimalma Campari Goes to Ifmaraf - joint winner of the Severndene Trophy
Shimalma Drambuie - joint winner of the Severndene Trophy
Ch Zandahar Just Tiger Lily - winner of the Shah Walden Trophy
The Club successful held their final event for this year at Stafford in the midst of major roadworks and a fuel crisis, wow what a weekend! There was an entry of 92 with just 11 being absent on the day and he weather was with us. All results and main photos on our Shows results page.
A busy month for the Club - one Championship Show and an Open Show the following week. Lots of points to assess for our Members' Dog of the Year and once the next deferred Championship Show has been commpleted we can calculate that so watch for futher announcements on that.
Shows have been really successful and members can reflect on the results on he appropriate page and of course looking through the wonderful photos provided by Jo Smith.
JULY 2021
The AGM was held with a few additional members attending; it is always good to get contributions for the future of the Club. There were no constitutional changes made, and the Officers and Committee remain as previous.
MAY 2021
At last the restrictions in the UK are due to be lifted on 21st June and our plans for the remainder of this challenging year can begin; schedules are being processed for online entry by Higham Press and we can look forward to three Club Shows and to our AGM.
APRIL 2021
From an entry of 31 the winner of the competition chosen by international Ch.Show judge, Lee Cox, was Queenie owned by Lynda Race- photo below:
For our Early Easter we ran a fun competition to help us out of the doom and gloom of Covid and offered free entry for our Club Championship Show to the ultimate winner. This was our Easter Afghan Eggstravaganza- watch out for the final announcement of the winner.
MARCH 2021
It is with great sadness that the Club has learned that one of its long-time members and past Committee member has lost her fight for life on 3rd March- Terri Borash had been involved with afghan hounds since the mid 1960's obtained her first afghan in 1968. She continued that passion whilst working around Jenny Hicks Nuree Kennels in Cornwall. Over the years she has had reasonable success with various partnerships showing various afghan hounds and even imported one from the Xciting Kennels in Sweden in 1987. Terri became a CC judge and did the Club Championship Show in 2001, and was due to judge again for us this year but sadly this was not to be. One of the highlights of her judging was being invited to Skokloster in Sweden, something she enjoyed very much. Always to the point on everything, you knew where you stood with Terri, she will be missed for her forthrightness and humour.
Never one to pose in front of the camera, she was well known for being behind the camera for her wildlife photographs which were really stunning. This photo of Terri below with one of the dogs she owned in partnership, shows the fun side of her and we shall remember her with fondness and respect. RIP
This year we have created an online version of our club magazine.
If you require access information or have any problems accessing it, please contact our Secretary.
The Kennel Club approved a revision to the Breed Standard which reads: all colours will be acceptable however white markings on the head or collar are highly undesirable
This amendment is applicable from 1st November.
The Club had the cancel the planned AGM (25th October) in light of the new Government restrictions surrounding gatherings. We will therefore submit our Annual Returns towards the end of the year, and hope to resume some sort of normality during 2021. It will be a busy year and thankfully we have pleasure in welcoming a new member to our Committee, Sue Kemp. Sue will be a co-opted member until such time as her position can be confirmed by an AGM but in the meantime please be assured that the Club is very pro-active and is surviving well.
July 2020
The AGM was deferred until later in the year when it was hoped all members that wanted to attend would be able to do so and make their contribution to the meeting. A news item would be issued to all avenues of social media and dog press as necessary.
June 2020
Following much deliberation by the Committee the following Newsletter with information as issued to members and posted on our FB page.
The outbreak of Corona Virus - COVID-19 has meant our events planning have gone out the window; our AGM has been deferred and will be rescheduled, and the Championship Show is currently under review for this year. Please watch for news in the near future.
Below is a photo from the early 1980's of the WAHC Committee
October 2020
B-B Open Shows were a great success
The new venue at Forest Ok Farm, Lydney, proved a great success and was well liked by everyone.
Results and wins from the show are on our SHOWS page - follow the link there.
Results of the Shirley Carr Memorial Stakes Class judged by Annette Latham-Jackson - 9 entries
- Gilari Redwood Earl at Zarankhan JW (Buttle)
- Drishaun Fair As A Lily JW (Lancashire/O'Donnell)
- Gilari Rosso Corsa (Drage)
- Rhazmakh Rhyme N Tyme (Lockett-Davies & Thomson & Truckle)
June & July 2020
The Club sponsored afghan hound classes at Taunton & DCS in June judged by Jeanette Dare, where BOB here
and at Bath CS in July( judged by Robert Wignall), was Andizhan Charisma with Zarcar JW
May 2019
The Championship Show was held at Bath alongside their own show, we shall be running a straw poll to see how our members and exhibitors felt about having the chance of two CC's in one day; a lot of work had gone into the planning of this but feedback now will determine its success. Our two judges managed very well with the good entry they had drawn of 99.
April 2019
The Club is very sad that we have lost our much loved Show Manager, Alan Buttle, who so unexpectedly passed away on 22nd April; Alan had long been a member of the Club, its Committee and guided us at the shows with his skills of management. He will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him.
AGM 2019
The Club held its AGM at the beginning of April, there were no changes to the constitution and we remain as members of the Afghan Hound Breed Council; any Minutes or Financial Accounts may be obtained upon request.
September 2018
The Club Magazine to mark our 50 years was published
Finallising our 50th Year we held the Championship Show on 23rd September (results and photos on our Shows page) , a great day was had by all - topped off by a special anniversry cake made expertly by John Waterhouse.
The Shirley Carr Memorial Stakes class was judged by David Evans and eventually won by Bob & Julie Parsons Ch Syrdarya Hazelnut Hobnob at Shukriya JW ShCM
May 2018
Our second Open Show of the year was held at Bath and the judge was Jackie Scott - all results can be found on the Shows page with associated photos. It was very successful and enjoyed by everyone.
Now the results are in we have totted up the points from the wins and placings of the exhibiting Members of the Club to determine who has won what - final results are:
John Conibear Award for Members' Dog of the Year - Chris & Mary Pascoe's Popov's Sarezac at Sarakhan JW (imp NLD)
Jill & Ernie Dyson Memorial Award for BOS - Margaret & Tony Greening's Zilbec Zanthus
Estella Fryer Memorial Award for Best Puppy - Carolyne & Cris Bovey''s Sitana Toofan Barisa Karianca
Shah Walden Salver for Best Veteran - Vanessa Small's Metewand Memabula
Congratulations to you all and the presentations of these trophies will be made at the next event fo this year, the Championship Show on 23rd September.
April 2018
The Club held a Breed Seminar and our guest speaker was Ken Sinclair (Araki); His interaction with those present was great and it formed a very happy atmosphere as well as providing some really interesting views. We were extremely fortunate to have such a well-known and knowledgable speaker.
Following this, a hands on session took place and we managed to get some movement of the dogs outside for the candidates to see. We thank all of those who brought their lovely dogs of which were two Champions and two CC winners, plus a couple of younger ones. Overseen by Susan Rhodes and Jeff Bunney, the multi-choice assessment was taken by 12 candidates - there were 10 perfect scores and just 2 to await another opportunity next year.
After Lunch the club had organised Debbie Stansbury to present the Kennel Club's Seminar on stewarding following by a Points of the Dog Assessment for those opting to do so, all were successful.
Candidates who passed the multi-choice were:
Carolyne Scott
Robert Wignall
Lorna Dunstan
Vikki Cannon
Gill Grist
Christine Mayers
Lisa Tyler-Jackson
Annette Latham-Jackson
Joanna Boughton-White
Richard Morris
February 2018
Our Open Show was held at East Huntspill and the judge was Sue Green (Sochera); we were able to be judged outside and full results from the show can be found on our SHOWS page together with photos. The AGM followed the show, and there were no constitutional changes made. The Club remains as a member of the Afghan Hound Breed Council.
January 2018
The year started with the very sad news that Carol Lee had passed away; Carol was a Founder Member of the Club way back in the 1960's and bred and showed afghans under the Azka affix. She went on to take up the cause for Greyhound Rescue and was passionate about the welfare of animals. For a time she held various positions within the Club culminating in being President until 2007. We shall remember her with fondness and affection.
Photo by David Paton:
October 2017
Winners from the Championship Show and all the results can be found on the shows pages together with photographs. We also issued the Club Newsletter which can be downloaded from the Home Page, this will be the only publication for this year and we plan to publish a bumper edition during 2018 which will reflect 50 years of the Club being in existence, sponsorship and adverts are sought to support this.
JULY 2017
Details of the last Open Show can be found in the results on our show page; the show held at Bath proved a great success for the Club; other news to note is regrding Affi Magazine which for this year the Committee have decided to put on hold. Greater support for this wonderful publication is needed and without that we can't continue without using up much needed funds. Looking ahead to the Championship Show, on-line entries are now available for this on Fosse Data.
We were very sad to learn of the passing of our dear friend Jan Fielder of Garamond Afghans. Jan had long been a great supporter of the Club and had designed the magazine for many years. She will be greatly missed and our thoughts and prayers go to her family at this very sad time.
April 2017
As we look forward to the show at Bath on 29th May, time to think about AFFI Magazine;
AFFI is a historic part of our Club and needs your support if you want it to continue.
We need support with adverts mainly to fund the outlay so book your space in the all new edition which this year will be in black/white only; full page adverts will be £25 and for cover adverts (inside front, back and inside back will be £40.
February 2017
The Club held a very successful Open Show which was able to make use of the outside space for the showing ring, enabling the exhibits to move freely - results from the day can be found on the Shows webpage. The AGM for the Club followed and was well attended with much debate and enthusiasm. There were no constitutional changes, however the members present voted to raise the membership fees to £7 for Joint and £6 for Single.
October 2016
Images from the Show
The Club Championship Show held a successful show at which there were 111 exhibits making 144 entries. Details and results can be found on our Shows Results pages. The Members trophy winners for the year were presented with their trophies and these were:
John Conibear Award for Members' Dog of the Year : Dawn and Nick Hunn, and Lynn Young's Arushkhan King Farouque
Jill & Ernie Dyson Trophy for BOS Members' Dog of the Year : Jeff & Judith Coombes Zilbec Zilandra
Estella Fryer Memorial Trophy for Top Puppy : Chris & Mary Pascoe's Tianze Ice Crystal
Shah Walden Trophy for Best Veteran of the Year : Dave & Glenda Adams' Ch Zandahar Treacle Tart JW
Jeff Coombes with Zilbec Zilandra - winner of the Jill & Ernie Dyson Trophy
The Club held its AGM which could have been better attended, however it was a lively meeting and a lot came out of the discussion, there were no constitutional changes. Please watch the Club website for news of shows, events and changes.
The Championship Show was a resounding success and well attended, details of the main winners and results can be found the the Shows Page and follow the link to the results.
Winners of the Members Points Awards for the Year were also presented at the show, Dog of the Year went to Jeff and Heather Bunney's Gezancol Strike at Light at Zadal JW and the winner of the Shirley Carr Memorial Stakes can be seen featured on the Home page.
We feature quite an amusing photo here taken by David Paton, of Terry Carr posing as "Veteran of the Year"
The Club held the KC Seminar, Conformation & Movement plus Points of the Dog Assessment which was successful for all of our candidates attending. Presenter was Carol Coode.
Following this very busy morning, there was the all important lunch break, swiftly then into the AGM which brought the Club two new Committee Members, Annette Latham-Jackson and Tammie Wardell, so a big welcome to them.
Carol Coode - presenter of the Kennel Club's Conformation & Movement Seminar.
A repeat of our sucessful back to back shows held at Wellsprings, Taunton where for the morning show there was a BIS success for Jackie & Alan Buttle with Sarakhan Shamir JW ShCM at the AM Show and BIS for Jeanette Dare with Sitana Nishana at Lakarnadream JW; both shows attracted entries of 78. Judges were Denise Rogers who travelled down from Doncaster and Dudley Chadwick who was from North Wales.
Best Veteran at both of the shows was Ch Zandahar Treacle Tart JW owned byGlenda & Dave Adams, Dave was incidentally one of the Club's founder members.
For the first time in the Club's history, Back to Back Open Shows were held as this was the yeartickets were not on offer due to the KC rotational scheme for Breed Clubs. It was a very successful day with probably one of the largest entries we have had for Open Shows.
Details and results can be found on the SHOWS page. During the day presentations were made to the Members Points winners who were;
Hubshe Shoki Tu Arushkhan owned by Tim & Jackie Scott and Ellen Hopper and Steve Finch
Winner of the John Conibear Memorial Glass Bowl
Other winners
Our Breed Seminar was well attended and those there had a treat in the brilliant presentation of the afghan hound given by Mark Cocozza who spoke on the sbuject for two and a quarter hours no less! A passionate and well received talk. This was followed by lunch then the Club's AGM during which we were fortunate to gain three new Committee Members, Richad Gunn, Nicky Zagdan-Gunn and Francis Hearne. There were no changes to the Club's constitution; Valerie West (Patron) was made an Honorary Life Member of the Club following many years of dedicated committment.
Mark Cocozza speaking during the presentation
Our Breed Seminar will take place on Saturday 22nd March 2014, Speaker will be Mark Cocozza; this will start at 10am. Cost will be £12 or £15 to include lunch. The Club AGM will follow during the afternoon.
It was the Club's 40th Ruby Anniversary Championship Show, this was a lovely day for all supporters and exhibitors with an entry of 145 and an array of prizes and gifts for everyone there. The raffle table was groaning at the weight of everything on there; we were joined by one of our founder members, David Adams (Zandahar) and his wife, Glenda and there was plenty of celebratory cake for all. The Parade of Champions was a lovely sight with 14 in attendance, this was followed by presentations of our Members Awards, which were as follows:
Members Dog of the Year and winner of the John Conibear Memorial Trophy was Sitana Nishana at Lakarnadream JW (owned by Jeanette Dare); Best Opposite Sex Award and winner of the Jill & Ernie Dyson Memorial Trophy was Sarakhan Sultan at Kabira JW ShCM (owned by Phil & Sue Harrison); Puppy of the Year Award and winner of the Estella Fryer Memorial Trophywas won by Syrdarya Malted Milk at Wilbus JW (owned by Alan & Lesley Busby); Veteran of the Year and winner of the Shah Walden Trophy was Metewand Mamabula (owned by Vanessa Small).
Champions Parade at the Ruby Anniversary Show:
BOS Members Dog of the Year 2013 Trophy Winner - Sarakhan Sultan Al Kabira JW ShCM

Members Puppy of the Year winner - Syrdarya Malted Milk at Wilbus JW
Members Veteran of the Year winner 2013 - Metewand Mamabula
Visitors at the Championship Show included Dave & Glenda Adams (Zandahar) and Alan Hill (Azka)
Shirley Carr sadly passed away today; the Club and the afghan fraternity have lost the most wonderful friend and supporter of the breed. Shirley has long been a Committee member and has steered the rescue scheme right from the outset. Her dedication to the welfare of afghan hounds has reached every corner of the UK and beyond, she was a loyal and fiesty lady who stood for honesty and all that was right and didn't mind who knew it. Her love of her family, her dogs and the breed was constant and she will be irreplaceable; our sincere sympathies to Terry, Hannah & the family.
The Club AGM was held following the Open Show; we were delighted to be joined by two new Committee Members and welcome Paul Smart and Neil Straw who will be a great asset.
This was indeed a very sad day for the Club as our Vice-President, Denise Courtney, and our Hon Vice-President, Fred Lawson, both passed away. Both had begun many years ago by joining our Committee and making their very valuable contributions to the success of our events through the past three decades, our thoughts and sympathies to both families.
A very successful Championship Show was again held at Bristol with a very good entry of 147,the full results of the show can be found on the link from the SHOWS page. Thi year our Members' Trophy winners had a close fight between them and the eventual winners were Andizhan Bakhtuu Aruskhan (owned by Jackie & Tim Scott) - John Conibear Memorial Trophy, and runner-up and BOS was Sarakhan ShamirJW ShCM(owned by Jackie & Alan Buttle); Best Puppy for the Year went to Sumahari Carolina Cherry by Drishaun (owned byMike & Avril Lancashire) and finally, the Best Veteran Award for the year went to Ch Miamarna True to Garamond (owned by Jan Fielder). Photos are on our HOME page. To finish off a really happy day we were able to celebrate Terry & Shirley Carr's 45th anniversary with a splendid cake made by our Patron & Vice-Chairman, Valerie West.
The Club held the second Open Show schedule for this year and results and photos are found on the Shows Page. After the show the Club held its AGM where a new Patron was appointed - Valerie West - who has been a valued Committee Member for many years and is also Vice-Chairman. Also, following the resignation of Denise Courtney, the position of Chairman was filled by David Evans. There was a slight change to the rules of the Club whereby it was sanctioned for the Committee to continue with the selection of judges for the shows; following further discussion on membership of the Breed Council it was decided to resume membership for 2012.
Results from the very successful Championship Show can be found on the Shows page; the venue at Bristol has proved to be successful and we had a very good entry of 134 exhibits. Members Dog of the Year photo can be found on the Home page, below are photos of winners of the Jill & Ernie Dyson Memorial Trophy for Best Opposite Sex - Andizhan Bakhtuu Arushkhan owned by Jackie Scott, Best Veteran the Shah Walden Trophy was Ch Miamarna True to Garamond owned by Jan Fielder, and the Best Puppy and winner of the Estella Fryer Memorial Trophy, Sarakhan Shamir JW owned by Jackie & Alan Buttle.
Andizhan Bakhtuu Arushkhan - winner of the Jill & Ernie Dyson Memorial Trophy
Sarakhan Shamir JW - winner of the Estella Fryer (Severndene) Memorial Trophy
Ch Miamarna True to Garamond - winner of the Shah Walden Memorial Trophy for Members Best Veteran (handled by Trisha Churchill)
We held an Open Show during July for the first time, Serena Parker was our judge in spite of the summer month we had to go inside unfortunately ut typically it cleared up nicely for the photos; it was a good day though and BIS was Afterglow Jumping Rainbows of Sofico.
The Club held it's AGM with a reasonably good attendance; no rule changes but concern over general income and costs to the Club, and real concern over support for our AFFI magazine. The last edition was its usual high quality standard but general advertising and good articles were in short supply. A much needed boost is needed to maintain the production of AFFI for the future. Members also voted not to renew membership of the Breed Council for this year.
The Club held a very interesting day with a talk on the Afghan Breed Standard given by Terry Carr (Bozwood; this was followed by Exams for six hopeful candidates. From these our panel of three respected Championship Show judges - Jeff Bunney, Gloria North & Mike Lancashire gave Pass Certificates to three of them. Successful were:Pauline Johnson,Richard Thompson and Neil Straw.
Members Dog of the Year:
This year the John Conibear Memorial Tropy was won by Valerie West & Lyn Young's Pahlevi Ashby at Shirobana ShCM, the Jill & Ernie Dyson Memorial Trophy for runner-up Dog of the Year was won byPhil & Sue Harrison's Sitana Kamalia al Kabira ShCM, and the Estella Fryer Memorial Trophy - the Severndene Trophy (new this year!) was won by Evans,Hillier & Carr's Gilari Devil in Disguise at Numa Bozwood JW.
Championship Show was held at its new venue in Bristol - great success for the Club. BIS went to Lancashire's Am & UK Ch Gazon What You See is What You Get with Drishaun and Res.BIS to Fielder's Ch Ashahni Azanti at Garamond JW.
Photo: David Paton
The Club held its AGM following the Open Show, during which three new Committee Members were elected - these being; Dawn Hunn, Richard Gunn and Phil Harrison. We said farewell to long standing members - Terri Borash, Steve Lacey and Jo Smith who had all taken the decision to stand down. We look foward to a new and invigorated Committee, new venues and new ideas for the Club.
We are very sad to hear of the death of our Patron and past Chairman, Mrs Estella Fryer (Severndene) who passed away on 6th September after suffering ill health for some time. She will be greatly missed by her friends and the Club to which she offered her strong support at all times.
The AGM held no changes for the Club but had some interesting debate about future plans.
Club History
Some of the Club's Founder Members taken at a Pearl Party Anniversary Celebration by David Paton.
Back Row:l - r Alan Hill (Azka), Lyn Delaney (Kalafrana), Dave Adams (Zandahar), Ann Robins
Front: l - r Carol Lee (Azka) and Glenda Adams (Zandahar)
The Club Open Show was successful for our Members with Best in Show going to the dog owned by Chris & Mary Pascoe, and Reserve Best in Show to the Bitch owned by David & Glenda Adams; both were owner bred. Best Puppy in Show went to the dog puppy owned by two more Club Members, Lyn Young and Valerie West. All the results and pictures from the show can be found the the show pages.
Below are pictured the Best in Show winning dog Sarakhan Senator and Judge Bronwyn Lawson-Ball, our Club Treasurer. Our thanks to Jo Smith for providing the photograph.
Championship Show
A good entry at the show and successful new venue at Hutton Moor. Details of the winners and full results and photos can be found on the Show pages. Winner of the £50 cash raffle was Wendell Moore (Cloudside). You are invited to let us have any comments you feel relevant about the venue so that we can plan ahead for next year.
The winner of this year's Members Points Tropy - The John Conibear Memorial Trophy wasGlenda & Dave Adams' Zandahar Treacle Tart. Her litter brother Zandahar Treacle Toffee won the runner-up Jill & Ernie Dyson Trophy, and the Veteran Points Salver was won by Jackie & Terry Green's Allakari Tlingkit.
Zandahar Treacle Tart President, Clari Cross (centre) with Jackie Green (right)
Judging Criteria
The Club's judging criteria has recently been modified to reflect the current drop in afghan numbers. You will notice that the requirements for the number of classes judged and the number of dogs has been dropped. If you are interested in applying to go onto the judging list please download the form and send in.
This year's AGM was held following the conclusion of the Open Show on 13th April at East Huntspill Village Hall for fully paid up members. The meeting approved a change in the Club's Ruling and subject to KC approval, for the future, the Officers and Commmittee will select all the judges for all of the Club Shows by majority vote.
The Club was pleased to elect as its Patron, Mrs Estella Fryer (Severndene).
Thanking Carole lee
The Club AGM was attended by members who took the opportunity of saying thank you to Carole Lee who was stepping down as President; this was quite a nostalgic occasion not just for Carole but for all of us who have been guided by her over so many years; she was presented with a lovely original painting of a greyhound head which was so appropriate as greyhounds and their well-being have become Carole's passion in latter years.
There was only one nominee for President, this being Clari Cross, who was delighted and honoured to take on this role after having been involved with the Western for well over 30 years.

Breed Seminar on 24th February 2008
We held a Breed Seminar on 24th February 2008. Our guest speaker was Roberta Hall (Saxonmill) who kindly agreed to do a Breed specific presentation during the morning. This was a very thorough interactive presentation right through the morning with an in depth view on the current Breed Standard.
This was followed by Chris Mayers (Tcheria) giving a Kennel Club Ring Stewards presentation, many helpful tips and advice was given with some surprises along the way, invaluable!
Download leaflet for more information & to make a booking
Some of the Champions from the Parade at the Championship Show in November - from left to right:
Ch Bondor Twelth Night (Buttle), Ch Wilbus Libretto (Busby), Ch Wilbus Love Song ( Evans), Ch Renza Designer Red by Shimalma (Newton), Ch Renza Paint the Town Red Among Mogell (Ellis)
Breed Standard of the Afghan Hound
A Breed Standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function. Absolute soundness is essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be careful to avoid obvious conditions or exaggerations which would be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed. From time to time certain conditions or exaggerations may be considered to have the potential to affect dogs in some breeds adversely, and judges and breeders are requested to refer to the Kennel Club website for details of any such current issues. If a feature or quality is desirable it should only be present in the right measure.
General Appearance
Gives the impression of strength and dignity, combining speed and power. Head held proudly
Eastern or Oriental expression is typical of breed. The Afghan looks at and
through one.
Dignified and aloof, with a certain keen fierceness.
Head and Skull
Skull long, not too narrow, with prominent occiput. Foreface long with
punishing jaws and slight stop. Skull well balanced and mounted by a long
‘top-knot’. Nose preferably black, liver permissible in light-coloured dogs.
Dark for preference, but golden colour not debarred. Nearly triangular in appearance,
slanting slightly upwards from inner corner to outer corner.
Set low and well back, carried close to head. Covered with long silky hair.
Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper
teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Level bite
Long, strong, with proud carriage of head.
Shoulders long and sloping, set well back, well muscled and strong without
being loaded. Upper arm long and sloping. In profile this brings the elbow vertically
below the wither. Forelegs straight and well boned, elbows close to ribcage,
turning neither in nor out.
Back level, moderate length, well muscled, back falling slightly away to stern.
Loin straight, broad and rather short. Hipbones rather prominent and wide
apart. A fair spring of ribs and good depth of chest.
Powerful, well bent and well turned stifles. Great length between hip and hock,
with comparatively short distance between hock and foot. Dewclaws may be
Forefeet strong and very large both in length and breadth, and covered with
long, thick hair; toes arched. Pasterns long and springy, pads well down on
ground. Hindfeet long, but not quite as broad as forefeet; covered with long
thick hair.
Not too short. Set on low with ring at end. Raised when in action. Sparsely
Smooth and springy with a style of high order.
Long and very fine texture on the ribs, fore and hindquarters and flanks. In mature
dogs, from the shoulder backwards and along the saddle, hair short and close.
Hair long from the forehead backwards, with a distinct silky ‘topknot’. On the
foreface hair short, ears and legs well coated. Pasterns can be bare. Coat must
develop naturally. Any evidence of clipping or scissoring should be penalised.
All colours will be acceptable, however white markings on the head or collar are highly undesirable.
Ideal height: dogs: 68-74 cms (27-29 ins); bitches: 63-69 cms (25-27 ins).
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the
seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact
proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into
the scrotum.